MassWildlife Habitat Management Grant Program

Through this reimbursement grant program, MassWildlife seeks to establish partnerships with private or municipal landowners of conserved lands to reimburse landowners for work conducted to enhance habitat for native wildlife species, especially climate-vulnerable wildlife habitats to make them more resilient to climate change.

Conserved land is defined as property protected by a Conservation Restriction or Easement, an Agricultural Preservation Restriction, land enrolled in Chapter 61, 61A/B, land subject to a current Landowner Incentive Program covenant, land owned in fee by a non-profit organization whose primary mission is the conservation of land, municipal land under the care and control of the town conservation commission and town forests (parks and recreation land is not eligible unless there is a conservation restriction or it is enrolled in Chapter 61 or 61A/B); or an entity under equivalent protection as determined by MassWildlife staff.