
Technology-enabled Collaborative Learning Program

The purpose of this program is to improve retention of health care providers and increase access to health care services in rural areas, frontier areas, health professional shortage areas, or medically underserved areas and for medically underserved populations or Native Americans.

This program seeks to evaluate, develop, and, as appropriate, expand the use of technology-enabled collaborative learning and capacity building models for health care providers and other professionals to improve retention of health care providers and increase access to health care services,

In this Notice of Funding Opportunity, the term “technology-enabled collaborative learning and capacity building model” means a distance health education model that connects health care professionals, and particularly specialists, with multiple other health care professionals through simultaneous interactive videoconferencing for the purpose of facilitating case-based learning, disseminating best practices, and evaluating outcomes.

AudienceCities and Towns, Non-Profits, Education, Small Business

FunderU.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Due DateAugust 2, 2024

Max Award$475,000

Match/Cost ShareNone required