Give or Receive Technical Assistance
Community One Stop for Growth
The Community One Stop for Growth combines 12 of the Commonwealth’s community focused economic development and housing grant programs into a single application portal and collaborative review process. New programs …
Type: Build Your Capacity, Give or Receive Technical Assistance, Implement Your Project, Plan Your Project
Advanced Manufacturing Training Grant Program
This grant seeks applications from organizations that can build and scale advanced manufacturing training programs in collaboration with an industry partner. Effective proposals will prepare students for high-demand career opportunities …
Volunteer Fire Capacity (VFC) Program
Through the USDA Forest Service’s VFC program, the MA Department of Conservation and Recreation is enabled to issue grants and materials to towns with less than 10,000 population. This program …
Type: Give or Receive Technical Assistance, Implement Your Project
Preservation Assessment
This opportunity provides libraries funds to support preservation planning goals and the identification of digital collections stewardship. Preservation assessment types include physical preservation assessments, digital curation readiness assessments, and fine …
Type: Give or Receive Technical Assistance, Plan Your Project
Land Conservation Assistance Grant
Funding is available for consultant or contractor services to: …
Type: Give or Receive Technical Assistance, Plan Your Project
Farming Reinforces Education and Student Health (FRESH) Grant
The purpose of this state funded competitive grant program is to encourage National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and Child Adult Food Care Program (CACFP) sponsors to start or expand their …
Type: Give or Receive Technical Assistance, Implement Your Project
Healthy Homes Production Grant Program
The program takes a comprehensive approach to addressing multiple childhood diseases and injuries in the home by focusing on housing-related hazards in a coordinated fashion, rather than addressing a single …
Type: Give or Receive Technical Assistance, Implement Your Project
Veteran and Spouse Transitional Assistance Grant Program (VSTAGP)
Members of the U.S. Armed Forces who are separated, retired, or discharged, as well as their spouses, will benefit from receiving the services provided. Each year approximately 200,000 Service members …
FY2025 AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP Opportunity
AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP programming is designed to meet community needs. Applicants may propose activities intended to address community needs by thoroughly explaining the unmet need and activities to be completed …
Mass Save Workforce Training Grant
The Mass Save Workforce Training Grant seeks to increase the sustainability of the energy efficiency workforce by prioritizing funding with grant dollars to support training and transitioning new workers into …