

For: Small Business

Get Started:

  • Grants 101

    This webpage provides a short summary of federal grants and phases of the grant cycle. …

  • Grant Terminology

    The terminology the state and federal agencies use to talk about grants and contracts can be overwhelming. Here are glossaries of grant terms …




Category: ARPA, Other COVID-19 Recovery Funds

Grants 101

This webpage provides a short summary of federal grants and phases of the grant cycle. …


Category: ARPA, Other COVID-19 Recovery Funds

Grant Terminology

The terminology the state and federal agencies use to talk about grants and contracts can be overwhelming. Here are glossaries of grant terms …


Category: Uncategorized

Community One Stop for Growth Individual Program Webinars (Prerecorded)

New for the FY25 Round, each One Stop program will record a webinar specific to their respective program. Each webinar will provide an overview of the program, including information about …

Category: Uncategorized

Grant Writing: Common Reasons Proposals Fail

You are not alone if you’ve received the sad news that a grant proposal was not selected for funding. Join two seasoned government grant writers and reviewers to learn six …

Category: Equity

Updated HUBZone Maps

The HUBZone program fuels small business growth in historically underutilized business zones with a goal of awarding at least 3% of federal contract dollars to HUBZone-certified companies each year. The …

Category: Technical Assistance

Massachusetts Dept of Revenue’s Small Business Video Workshop Series

The Massachusetts Department of Revenue’s (DOR) small business workshop video series is designed for new business owners who are unfamiliar with business tax requirements. …

Category: ARPA, Other COVID-19 Recovery Funds

Community Blog

The Community Blog provides definitions of different types of federal grants and terms you will encounter when reading federal grant opportunities. …

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Category: Equity, State, Tribal, and Regional Resources

Community Assessment Report 2021-2023

The Berkshire Community Action Council carried out a comprehensive internal and community needs assessment between
September 2019 and March 2020. …

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Category: State, Tribal, and Regional Resources

Berkshire Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy

The Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS) planning process is an ongoing regional economic development effort focused on identifying regional economic goals and priorities, identifying strategies for and facilitating implementation, and measuring progress in the region. …


Category: Equity, State, Tribal, and Regional Resources

Community Health Needs Assessment and Implementation Plan

A Community Health Implementation Plan is a long-term, systematic effort to address public health problems based on the results of the Community Health Needs Assessment, which is conducted every three years by Berkshire Health Systems. …

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