Due date: Rolling

Grants 101

This webpage provides a short summary of federal grants and phases of the grant cycle. …

Due date: Rolling

Grant Terminology

The terminology the state and federal agencies use to talk about grants and contracts can be overwhelming. Here are glossaries of grant terms …

Due date: Rolling

Community Blog

The grants.gov Community Blog provides definitions of different types of federal grants and terms you will encounter when reading federal grant opportunities. …

Due date: Rolling

Assistance for State, Local, and Tribal Governments

U.S. Treasury Department list and links to COVID-19 recovery funds, what they cover, how they work, and who is eligible. …

Due date: Rolling

Assistance for Small Businesses

U.S. Treasury Department list and links to COVID-19 recovery funds for small, micro, and solo businesses. …

Due date: Rolling

COVID-19 Resources and Guidance for Municipal Officials

The Massachusetts Division of Local Services provides guidance for city and town officials on the municipal finance and governance aspects COVID-19 response and recovery. …

Due date: Rolling

Federal Funds Resources

Information about ARPA, BIL, CARES and FEMA aid available to municipal governments. …

Due date: Rolling

Coronavirus and Massachusetts Nonprofits

This page by the Massachusetts Nonprofit Network provides a wide range of resources related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak and its impact on the nonprofit sector. …

Due date: Rolling

COVID-19 Resources

This page by the Massachusetts Association of Community Development Corporations provides a wide range of resources related to the COVID-19 outbreak and its impact on municipalities and nonprofit organizations. …