Designing for Growth: Websites that Boost Farm Sales

Lilly Library 19 Meadow Street, Northampton

Join Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA) and digital marketing expert, Michael Crigler, of Bueno Social for an in-person workshop exploring the graphic design thinking and guiding principles behind an effective farm website. Michael will discuss best practices and provide examples of website design that is visually appealing, engaging for customers, and drives farm sales.


Introduction to Grants Research

via Zoom

This introductory program is ideal for grant seekers who are new to the process or who would like to brush up their skills. We will provide brief tutorials in the Foundation Directory Pro and other search engines, and cover the beginning, middle and end of the grants research process including: Key resources to find potential

The 2017 Tax Debate Experience and Budget Reconciliation

via Zoom

The results of the 2017 tax law were mostly negative for charitable nonprofits, but significant ground has been gained in the ensuing seven years. The process that Congress will use to pass tax legislation in 2025 is complicated and the advantage goes to the advocates who know the rules. This webinar will focus on lessons


Search Engine Optimization for Beginners

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You’ve likely heard the acronym SEO many times, but what does it mean for your small business? This webinar will provide an overview of SEO fundamentals, including how search engines work, the importance of keyword research, on- and off-page optimizations, and how to use metrics to measure performance. Speaker: Rosa Di Virgilio Taormina, Senior Business


Creative Social Media Marketing Strategies for Farms

Hadley Public Library 50 Middle Street, Hadley

Join Community Involved in Sustaining Agriculture (CISA) for a panel and discussion where farmers will share pro tips on social media, moderated by Jen Smith, Local Hero Program Manager. Farmer guest speakers Leslie Harris, Farm Manager, and Alexxis Wright, Events Manager, both from Quonquont Farm in Whately, MA and Rebecca Sadlowski, Farm Manager of Rooted


Farm Financial Foundations Workshop

via Zoom

A workshop for farm owner/operators and farm managers who want to learn or get a refresher on financial information including how to set up your financial statements, cash flow budgeting, fixed vs. variable expenses and Cost of Goods Sold. Focused on farms, the Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources will help you with tools to evaluate
