Grant Writing: Common Reasons Proposals Fail

You are not alone if you’ve received the sad news that a grant proposal was not selected for funding. Join two seasoned government grant writers and reviewers to learn six of the common reasons proposals fail – and what you can do to increase the odds that your next proposal will be successful.

Recorded on January 24, 2024


As Recovery Grant Specialist for Berkshire Funding Focus, Karen Pelto provides technical assistance to help secure high-value state and federal grant opportunities that benefit our small businesses, nonprofits, municipalities, and schools. She has over 30 years of experience writing and reviewing grant proposals and managing grant awards.

As Policy Program Director for the Michael Fields Agricultural Institute in Wisconsin, Margaret Krome conducts workshops and webinars nationwide on grant writing and using federal programs to support sustainable agriculture. For three decades, she has helped develop and fund federal, state, and local programs and policies supporting environmentally sound, profitable, and socially responsible agriculture.

AudienceCities and Towns, Non-Profits, Education, Small Business

TypeRecorded Workshop Webinar