Mobility, Access and Transportation Insecurity

The Mobility, Access, and Transportation Insecurity (MATI) program seeks to support the planning and development of community-shaped, innovative demonstration projects that can help address issues of transportation insecurity. Transportation insecurity, an emerging concept in transportation, is experienced when a person cannot access needed services or destinations comfortably, conveniently, and affordably. It is a goal of this program to include non-traditional groups such as community-based organizations or nonprofits as leads or key applicant team partners in order to incorporate the ideas and expertise of these groups into the shaping of solutions.

This Round 2 RFP will focus on rural and small communities. This call has two competitive selection and funding phases. This RFP will lead to the selection of qualified applicants to participate in the program during a Phase 1 planning grant. A second competitive process will identify one Phase 1 participant to proceed to Phase 2 and receive additional funding to deploy a proposed demonstration.

Applicants selected in Phase 1 will have support from the MATI program team to develop a demonstration project plan and submit that plan for consideration of Phase 2 funding and deployment. The Phase 2 demonstration will include the development and execution of a research effort associated with the project and managed by the MATI program team.

AudienceCities and Towns, Non-Profits

FunderFederal Transit Administration, managed by the MN Center for Transportation Studies

Pre-Application DateMarch 14, 2025

Due DateApril 30, 2025

Max AwardNone specified

Min AwardNone specified

Match/Cost ShareNone required