
FFY24 Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) STOP Grant Program

The VAWA STOP grant program helps to provide victims with the protection and services they need to pursue safe and healthy lives, while improving communities capacity to provide justice for victims and hold offenders accountable. This is accomplished by forging state, local and tribal partnerships among police, prosecutors, judges, victim advocates, health care providers, faith leaders, organizations that serve culturally specific and underserved communities, and others.

AudienceCities and Towns, Non-Profits

FunderMassachusetts Executive Office of Public Safety & Security

Due DateOctober 16, 2024

Max AwardNot specified

Min AwardNot specified

Match/Cost ShareNonprofit victim service providers and federally recognized tribes are exempt from providing match. Note: If you are a nonprofit victim service provider applying for a project under Purpose Areas 2 and/or 10, the law enforcement agency you are collaborating with is responsible for providing the required 25% match.