Recognizing that cities and towns may need assistance to develop municipal decarbonization roadmaps, the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources Green Communities Division is offering planning assistance to eligible municipalities for roadmap development to help achieve Climate Leader Community certification. This planning assistance will be provided through consultants (Consultants) selected by the Green Communities Division and will include the following tasks:
- Option 1: A desktop analysis and roadmap development for municipalities that have complete, up-to-date building inventories in MassEnergyInsight and can, without the assistance of a Consultant, provide information on the characteristics of the buildings in its portfolio. In these cases where this information is available, Consultants are not expected to perform on-site facility assessments as they will have most of the building-level information needed to create a decarbonization roadmap with the municipality.
- Option 2: Facility condition assessment plus roadmap development for municipalities that need assistance with cataloging existing building characteristics. As necessary, Consultants will conduct walk-throughs with municipal representatives of buildings that cumulatively account for at least seventy-five (75) percent of the community’s total building emissions.