
Urban and Community Forestry Environmental Justice Grant Program

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Urban &
Community Forestry (DCR UCF) is soliciting grant applications for the purpose of supporting tree planting efforts on public and private property in disadvantaged communities across the Commonwealth.

The Urban & Community Forestry Environmental Justice Grant Program is designed to bring the measurable positive environmental, public health, and energy efficiency benefits of an
expanded tree canopy cover to the lives of residents living and working in environmental justice communities.

All potential applicants are encouraged to contact the DCR Office of Urban and Community
Forestry to discuss potential projects. Applicants are more likely to be successful if they do so.
Please contact:

Julie Coop, Urban and Community Forester
DCR Urban and Community Forestry State Coordinator
Email: julie.coop@mass.gov

Mathew Cahill, Community Action Forester
Email: mathew.cahill@mass.gov