Land Conservation Assistance Grant

Funding is available for consultant or contractor services to:

  • 1) assist with preparing a grant application for funding to permanently protect land;
  • 2) complete other tasks necessary to advance land protection transactions that accomplish permanent protection of land for conservation values and/or eligible outdoor recreation;
  • 3) plan for the development or renovation of a park to facilitate the submission of a park development or renovation grant application to the Division of Conservation Services (i.e., PARC or LWCF); or
  • 4) develop or update a municipal Open Space and Recreation Plan.

Audience:Cities and Towns

Funder:Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

Due Date:April 11, 2025

Max Award:$10,000 for grant writing & appraisal; $20,000 for OSRP assistance; $50,000 for other consultant services.

Match/Cost Share:None required.