
FY25 For-Profit Early Education and Care Provider Capital Grant

EECPCG funding is intended to provide for-profit, center-based early education and out-of-school time care facilities with resources to make renovations that enhance health and safety, for costs incurred during the period that begins on January 1, 2024. Organizations whose projects are 100% complete at the time of the application cannot apply for EECPCG funding for reimbursement and such applications will not be considered.

These uses include but are not limited to:

  • Improvements to outdoor play spaces.
  • Improvements to heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, including windows and HVAC equipment.
  • Reconfiguration of indoor spaces including classrooms, gross motor rooms, and bathrooms.
  • Emergency repairs and system upgrades that impact the health and safety of occupants including roof replacement and upgrading electrical and life safety systems. Information Technology (IT) upgrades or purchases are not eligible for funding and will not be considered.
  • Physical environment modifications including accessibility or other improvements to support the inclusion of children and adults with special needs.
  • Security enhancements to prevent and respond to potential threats, such as active shooters, including but not limited to the installation of security cameras and access control systems.

AudienceSmall Business

FunderMassachusetts Department of Early Education and Care

Due DateDecember 12, 2024

Max Award$500,000

Min Award$200,000

Match/Cost ShareNone required.