FY25 Massachusetts Early Education and Out of School Time Large Capital Fund Grant

EEOST funding is intended to provide center-based early education and out-of-school time care facilities with resources to make renovations that enhance health and safety, for costs incurred on or after December 16, 2023. Organizations whose projects will be 100% complete at any point between the time of the Pre-Application through award announcements cannot apply for EEOST Large Grant Program funding for reimbursement and such applications will not be considered.

These uses include but are not limited to:

  1. Acquisition of property or buildings
  2. EEOST funding can be utilized for rehabilitation of an eligible facility that may include, but is not limited to, major systems replacement, reconfiguration of classrooms, administrative and staff spaces, and redesign and renovation of outdoor space
  3. Soft costs directly related to the development of a facility.

AudienceNon-Profits, Small Business

FunderMassachusetts Department of Early Education and Care

Pre-Application DateDecember 16, 2024

Due DateApril 14, 2025

Max Award$1,000,000

Match/Cost ShareNone required.