
Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program

The Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program (LB21) supports the training and professional development of library and archives professionals; developing faculty and information leaders; and recruiting, educating, and retaining the next generation of library and archives professionals in order to develop a diverse library and archival workforce and meet the information needs of their communities.

Applications to IMLS should both advance knowledge and understanding and ensure that the federal investment made generates benefits to society. Specifically, the goals for this program are to generate projects of far-reaching impact that:

  • Recruit, train, develop, and retain a diverse workforce of library and archives professionals.
  • Develop faculty, library, and archives leaders by increasing the institutional capacity of libraries, archives, and graduate programs related to library and information science.
  • Enhance the training and professional development of the library and archival workforce to meet the needs of their communities.

AudienceCities and Towns, Non-Profits, Education

FunderInstitute of Museum and Library Services

Pre-Application DateSeptember 20, 2023

Due DateMarch 20, 2024

Max Award$1,000,000

Min Award$50,000

Match/Cost ShareNone for Planning, Forum, and Applied Research, except for Implementation Grants require 1:1 match.