
Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund

Historic cultural resources in public and nonprofit ownership and use frequently suffer from deferred maintenance, incompatible use, or are threatened by demolition. These important resources represent a significant portion of the Commonwealth’s heritage. By providing assistance to historic cultural resources owned by nonprofit or municipal entities, the Massachusetts Historical Commission hopes to ensure their continued use and integrity. The program is administered in accordance with 950 CMR 73.00.

Grant disbursement is subject to reauthorization of the capital accounts and availability of sufficient allocated funds.

AudienceCities and Towns, Non-Profits

FunderMassachusetts Historical Commission

Due DateMarch 14, 2025

Max Award$30,000 (pre-development) $100,000 (development or acquisition)

Min Award$5,000 (pre-development) $7,500 (development or acquisition)

Match/Cost Share50%