
Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund

The Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund is a state-funded 50% reimbursable matching grant program established in 1984 to support the preservation of properties, landscapes, and sites (cultural resources) listed in the State Register of Historic Places. Applicants must be a municipality or nonprofit organization.

Historic cultural resources (in public and nonprofit ownership and use) frequently suffer from deferred maintenance, incompatible use, or threats of demolition. These resources are vital parts of the Commonwealth’s heritage. By providing assistance to historic cultural resources owned by nonprofit or municipal entities, the MHC hopes to ensure their continued use and integrity.

Pre-development, acquisition, and development project activities are eligible for funding.

See the BFF calendar for virtual workshops to be held in January for this grant opportunity.

AudienceCities and Towns, Non-Profits

FunderMassachusetts Historical Commission

Due DateMarch 14, 2025

Max Award$30,000 for pre-development; $100,000 for development or acquisition.

Min Award$5,000 for pre-development; $7,500 for development or acquisition.

Match/Cost Share50%