
MEMA Citizen Corps Program Subgrant

Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency (MEMA) has allocated a total of $200,000 to be awarded on a competitive basis to fulfill the following preidentified gap: Enhancing Community Preparedness and Resilience.

MEMA will be accepting applications for grant funds from Massachusetts Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) organizations that are primarily responsible for providing direct services at the community (municipal or regional) level. MEMA will only accept one (1) application per CERT organization. Associations that are not direct service providers and CERT organizations with a primary responsibility for serving institutions, non-profit organizations, or corporations are not eligible to apply.

Funds may only be used to support CERT activities in the following statewide priority areas:

  • Local / Regional Mass Care Capabilities/Sheltering
  • Local / Regional CPOD, S &R, Rehab Capabilities
  • CERT Member Safety gear
  • Training and Exercises for CERT Members
  • Community Outreach/Public Education
  • Protection of soft targets/crowed places
  • Election security

FunderMassachusetts Emergency Management Agency

Due DateFebruary 28, 2023

Max Award$15,000 (regional)

Min Award$5,000 (single community)

Match/Cost ShareNone