
New England Environmental Justice Thriving Communities

Three tiers and Seed Funds of Environmental Justice for New England grants include:

  • Seed Funds for up to $75,000 for efforts to support community-based organizations with limited capacities (defined as those having an equivalent of 4 or less paid, full-time staff members at the time of application, among other criteria).
  • Tier 1 assessment projects will be granted up to $150,000 for one year. Projects in this tier should begin to assess a local community’s environmental justice landscape.
  • Tier 2 planning projects will be granted up to $250,000 for up to two years. Projects in this tier should include plan formulation and partnership development activities to address identified environmental justice concerns.
  • Tier 3 implementation projects will be granted up to $350,000 for up to two years. Projects in this tier should support implementation projects informed by community planning and research. Projects may have educational and outreach components but must focus on developing tangible community assets or providing defined community benefits.