
Biz-M-Power is a crowdfunding matching grant program that offers small businesses in Massachusetts financial assistance with their acquisition, expansion, improvement or capital lease of a facility; purchase or capital lease […]

Green Communities Competitive Grant Program

Eligible Green Communities may submit a grant application to fund all, or a portion of the costs of, constructing and implementing energy efficiency and renewable or alternative energy activities, including […]

Audience:Cities and Towns

Funder:Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources

Max Award:$100,000 (prior applicants awarded over $1M cumulatively), $200,000, or $500,000 (decarbonization)

Match/Cost Share:25% (building decarbonization)

Agricultural Preservation Restriction Improvement Program

The purpose of the Program is to help sustain active commercial farming on land that has already been protected by Department funds through the APR Program. The Program offers business […]

Urban Agriculture Grant Program

The purpose of the MDAR Urban Agriculture Program is to advance Commonwealth goals and objectives, leverage collective resources, and support projects designed to increase the production, processing, and marketing of […]

Audience:Cities and Towns, Non-Profits, Education, Small Business

Funder:Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources

Max Award:Commercial Urban Agriculture: $50,000 Community Garden and Food Production: $20,000 Land Acquisition: $100,000

Min Award:Commercial Urban Agriculture: $5,000 Community Garden and Food Production: $1,000

Match/Cost Share:25% for requests over $15,000 25% for land projects

TDI Creative Catalyst Grants

The Creative Catalyst Program aims to help mitigate stark inequalities in wealth formation and economic opportunities in Gateway Cities by providing flexible, neighborhood level funding for arts and culture. Additionally, […]

Buses and Bus Facilities Program

On January 27, 2023, FTA announced the availability of nearly $1.7 billion in Fiscal Year 2023 funding to support state and local efforts to buy or modernize buses, improve bus facilities, and support workforce […]

Low or No Emission Vehicle Program

On January 27, 2023, the Federal Transit Administration announced the availability of nearly $1.7 billion in Fiscal Year 2023 funding to support state and local efforts to buy or modernize buses, improve bus facilities, […]

FY25 Parkland Acquisitions and Renovations for Communities (PARC) Grant Program

The PARC Program was established to assist cities and towns in acquiring and developing land for park and outdoor recreation purposes. These grants can be used by municipalities to acquire […]

Audience:Cities and Towns

Funder:Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs

Max Award:Cities and Towns >35,000: $500,000 Small Towns: $100,000

Min Award:Over 35,000 people: $500,000; Small Towns: $100,000

Match/Cost Share:Reimbursement rate: 52-70%

FY24 Conservation Partnership Grant

The Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EEA) protects, conserves, and restores the natural resources of the Commonwealth. To fulfill this mission, Rebecca Tepper, Secretary of EEA, makes available […]