Media Projects

Media Projects is a National Endowment for the Humanities grant that supports collaboration between media producers and scholars to develop content grounded in humanities scholarship and prepare documentary films, radio, …

FY25 Safe and Supportive Schools Competitive Grant

The purpose of this state funded competitive grant program is to provide funding to school districts (and their selected schools) to organize, integrate, and sustain school and district-wide efforts to …


FunderMassachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Max AwardAction Planning: $10,000 per school, up to $20,000 Implementation: $10,000 per district

Match/Cost ShareNone

Composting and Food Waste Reduction Pilot Project

This program provides financial assistance to municipalities, school districts, counties, local governments, special district governments, tribal governments (State-designated Indian Tribes, Federally Recognized Indian Tribal Governments), or tribal organizations to carry …

Urban Agriculture Grant Program

The purpose of the MDAR Urban Agriculture Program is to advance Commonwealth goals and objectives, leverage collective resources, and support projects designed to increase the production, processing, and marketing of …

AudienceCities and Towns, Non-Profits, Education, Small Business

FunderMassachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources

Max AwardCommercial Urban Agriculture: $50,000 Community Garden and Food Production: $20,000 Land Acquisition: $100,000

Min AwardCommercial Urban Agriculture: $5,000 Community Garden and Food Production: $1,000

Match/Cost Share25% for requests over $15,000 25% for land projects

TDI Creative Catalyst Grants

The Creative Catalyst Program aims to help mitigate stark inequalities in wealth formation and economic opportunities in Gateway Cities by providing flexible, neighborhood level funding for arts and culture. Additionally, …

Massachusetts Preservation Projects Fund

Historic cultural resources in public and nonprofit ownership and use frequently suffer from deferred maintenance, incompatible use, or are threatened by demolition. These important resources represent a significant portion of …

AudienceCities and Towns, Non-Profits

FunderMassachusetts Historical Commission

Max Award$30,000 (pre-development) $100,000 (development or acquisition)

Min Award$5,000 (pre-development) $7,500 (development or acquisition)

Match/Cost Share50%