

Underserved Communities Traffic Safety Grant Program

The overarching goal of this opportunity is to improve road safety within underserved communities across Massachusetts. The program intends to achieve this through the outreach of nonprofit organizations with the …


Culvert Replacement Municipal Assistance (CRMA)And Culvert Replacement Training Site Program

The Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration is seeking proposals from municipalities and other eligible applicants in Massachusetts interested in replacing undersized, perched, and/or degraded culverts or bridges located in areas …


Dam, Levee, and Seawall Repair and Removal Grant – Design and Permit

Completion of final design work and submittal of permits for the repair and/or removal of dams, levees, seawalls, and other forms of inland and coastal structures as defined by: …


Dam, Levee, and Seawall Repair and Removal: FY2025 Construction Grants

Grants to municipalities and charitable nonprofit organizations for repair and/or removal of dams, levees, seawalls, and other forms of inland and coastal structures as defined by: …


Safe Routes to Schools: Infrastructure Projects

The infrastructure component of the Safe Routes to Schools Program comprises the engineering aspect of the “six e’s” strategy and involves an equity lens as well. This component of the …


Safe Routes to Schools: Signs and Lines Program

The Safe Routes to Schools Signs and Lines Program will provide design services and up to $10,000 in construction funding to a selected municipality for a low-cost infrastructure project around …


Neighborhood Access and Equity Project

Funds for the fiscal year (FY) 2023 NAE grant program are to be awarded on a competitive basis to support planning, capital construction, and regional partnership activities that aim to …


Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program

The RCP Program aims to advance and support reconnection of communities divided by transportation infrastructure – with a priority on helping disadvantaged communities improve access to daily needs (jobs, schools, …


Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program

The Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program (RURAL) was created in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and will support projects to improve and expand the surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas to …


Municipal Road Safety Grant Program

The Office of Grants and Research is the State Administering Agency for traffic safety grants provided by National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). This grant program makes federal funds available …