Greening the Gateway Cities Implementation Grants

Financial assistance to Gateway City municipalities and non-profit 501(c) organizations to conduct tree planting and related activities in support of the Greening the Gateway Cities Program (GGCP) objectives of enhancing […]

Specialty Crop Block Grant Program

The overall goal of the Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (“SCBGP”) is to leverage efforts to market and promote specialty crops, assist producers with research and development relevant to specialty […]

Dam, Levee, and Seawall Repair and Removal: FY2025 Construction Grants

Grants to municipalities and charitable nonprofit organizations for repair and/or removal of dams, levees, seawalls, and other forms of inland and coastal structures as defined by: […]

Stewardship Assistance and Restoration (SARA) on APRs Program

Funds must be used for activities related to restoring inactive farmland for active commercial agricultural use or project implementation costs associated with resource restoration for increased agricultural production on existing […]

Urban and Community Forestry Environmental Justice Grant Program

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Urban &Community Forestry (DCR UCF) is soliciting grant applications for the purpose of supporting tree planting efforts on public and private […]

Mental Health Services Professional (MHSP) Demonstration Grants

The MHSP Program provides competitive grants to support and demonstrate innovative partnerships to train school-based mental health services providers (as defined in section 4102 of the Elementary and Secondary Education […]

Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grants

The Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grant Program provides financial assistance to enable and improve distance learning and telemedicine services in rural areas. DLT grant funds support the use of telecommunications-enabled […]

Audience:Cities and Towns, Non-Profits, Education, Small Business

Funder:U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Utilities Service

Max Award:$1,000,000

Min Award:$50,000

Match/Cost Share:15% (cash or in-kind)

Advancing Health Equity in Asthma Control through EXHALE Strategies

The CDC National Asthma Control Program is announcing a new, FY24 non-research notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) designed to improve the health and quality of life for people living with […]

Audience:Cities and Towns, Non-Profits, Education

Funder:U.S. Centers for Disease Control

Max Award:$725,000 over four years

Min Award:$400,000 over four years

Match/Cost Share:None