The purpose of this grant is to support Local Education Agencies in celebrating the work of 8th-12th grade students who are completing student-led civics projects, as required by Chapter 296 of the Acts of 2018. […]
Opportunity Category: Implement Your Project
Respite Innovations Grant Program
The Executive Office of Health and Human Services is issuing this Request for Applications (RFA) to solicit proposals from community-based organizations, academic institutions and/or foundations to test innovative Respite models […]
Drinking Water Supply Protection Grant
Financial assistance for the purchase of land in existing Department of Environmental Protection (DEP)-approved drinking water supply protection areas, or land in estimated protection areas of identified and planned future […]
Adult Day Health and Day Habilitation Programs Community Inclusion Transportation Grant
The Adult Day Health and Day Habilitation Programs Community Inclusion Transportation Grant Program is a $2 million program to help Adult Day Health (ADH) and Day Habilitation (DH) providers expand […]
Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grants
Distance Learning and Telemedicine grant funds support the use of telecommunications-enabled information, audio and video equipment, and related advanced technologies by students, teachers, medical professionals, and rural residents. […]
Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grants
Competitive funding for surface transportation infrastructure projects that will improve: safety; environmental sustainability; quality of life; mobility and community connectivity; economic competitivenessand opportunity including tourism; state of good repair; partnership […]
Massachusetts Food Ventures Program
The MFVP will provide funding through grants to support food ventures, designed to provide greater access to healthy food and that are sited primarily in or near communities of low […]
MassTrails Grants
MassTrails seeks to expand and connect the Commonwealth’s networks of off-road, shared-use pathways and recreational trails for all users across Massachusetts. […]
Hazard Mitigation Grant Program
The HMGP funds mitigation Projects designed to increase resilience and public safety; reduce injuries and loss of life; and reduce damage and destruction to property, critical services, facilities, and infrastructure. […]
FY2023 Commonwealth Restorative Justice Community Grant
The EOPSS Office of Grants and Research encourages collaborative applications to strengthen and build partnerships in furtherance of providing restorative justice services to communities. […]