Urban Agriculture Grant Program

The purpose of the MDAR Urban Agriculture Program is to advance Commonwealth goals and objectives, leverage collective resources, and support projects designed to increase the production, processing, and marketing of […]

Audience:Cities and Towns, Non-Profits, Education, Small Business

Funder:Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources

Max Award:Commercial Urban Agriculture: $50,000 Community Garden and Food Production: $20,000 Land Acquisition: $100,000

Min Award:Commercial Urban Agriculture: $5,000 Community Garden and Food Production: $1,000

Match/Cost Share:25% for requests over $15,000 25% for land projects

Federal State Marketing Improvement Program

FSMIP funds a wide range of applied research projects that address barriers, challenges, and opportunities in marketing, transportation, and distribution of U.S. food and agricultural products domestically and internationally. The […]

Audience:Non-Profits, Education, Small Business

Funder:Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources and U.S. Department of Agriculture

Max Award:$250,000

Min Award:$50,000

Match/Cost Share:1:1 cash or in-kind

Food Security Infrastructure Grant Program

The goal of the Food Security Infrastructure Grant Program is to ensure that individuals and families throughout the Commonwealth have access to food, with a special focus on food that […]

Renewable Energy Systems & Energy Efficiency Improvement Guaranteed Loans & Grants

The Rural Energy for America Program provides guaranteed loan financing and grant funding to agricultural producers and rural small businesses for renewable energy systems or to make energy efficiency improvements. […]