Social Enterprise Capital Grant Program

This program seeks to make capital grants to nonprofit organizations to purchase, repair and/or improve facilities for social enterprises that target individuals facing significant barriers to employment. For the purposes […]

Renew America’s Schools Prize to Cooperative Agreement

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE’s) Renew America’s Schools program provides investments to transform decaying public school infrastructure into healthier, more energy efficient learning environments. The program supports the implementation […]

Diversifying the Educator Workforce

Grant recipients will develop and implement thoughtful, high-impact strategies intended to directly impact the recruitment and retention of diverse Massachusetts educators. Priority funding will be given to proposals that support […]

Audience:Non-Profits, Education

Funder:Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education

Max Award:The requested amount should be appropriate and reasonable for the size and scope of the proposed program.

Massachusetts Urban Agriculture Grant Program FY2025

The purpose of the MDAR Urban Agriculture Program (“MUAP” or the “Program”) is toadvance Commonwealth goals and objectives, leverage collective resources, and support projects designed to increase the production, processing, […]

Audience:Cities and Towns, Non-Profits, Education, Small Business

Funder:Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources

Max Award:$50,000 for commercial urban agriculture; $20,000 for community garden and food production.

Min Award:$5,000 for commercial urban agriculture; $1,000 for community garden and food production.

Match/Cost Share:25% for requests over $15,000