The Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program focuses on improving access to daily needs such as jobs, education, healthcare, food, nature, and recreation, and foster equitable development and restoration, and provide technical […]
Opportunity Topic: Public Safety
Byrne State Crisis Intervention Program for Municipal Law Enforcement
The purpose of this grant program is to provide funding for municipalities to prevent or reduce acts of gun violence through the implementation of evidence-based strategies and promising programming. This […]
Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act Title II Formula Grant Program
The Formula Grant is authorized by the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDP Act) of 1974, as amended. It provides funding to support state and local efforts to plan, […]
BJA FY24 Field Initiated: Encouraging Innovation
With this solicitation, the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) seeks to support new and innovative strategies for preventing and reducing crime, improving community safety, and strengthening criminal justice system outcomes. […]
Municipal Road Safety Grant Program
This grant program funds Massachusetts municipal police departments to support traditional enforcement activities and strengthen the development of new strategies to reduce roadway crashes, injuries, fatalities, and associated economic losses […]
Pool Safety Grant Program
The Pool Safely Grant Program funding opportunity assists states, local governments, and Native American Tribal Governments in implementing enforcement and education programs to prevent the drowning and drain entrapment of […]
Underserved Communities Traffic Safety Grant Program
The overarching goal of this opportunity is to improve road safety within underserved communities across Massachusetts. The program intends to achieve this through the outreach of nonprofit organizations with the […]
STOP School Violence Program
The STOP School Violence Program is designed to improve school safety by providing students, teachers, and staff with the tools they need to recognize, respond quickly to, and prevent acts […]
MVP Action Grant – Expression of Interest
The MVP Action Grant offers financial resources to communities that are seeking to advance priority climate adaptation actions to address climate change impacts resulting from extreme weather, sea level rise, […]
Culvert Replacement Municipal Assistance (CRMA)And Culvert Replacement Training Site Program
The Massachusetts Division of Ecological Restoration is seeking proposals from municipalities and other eligible applicants in Massachusetts interested in replacing undersized, perched, and/or degraded culverts or bridges located in areas […]