FY25 Mentorship Program – Sector Spark Grant

The FY25 Mentorship Program- Sector Spark (NOFO No.2025-JAII-02) (the “NOFO”) solicits responses from qualified Entrepreneur Support Organizations interested in receiving grant funding to enhance their capacity to support tech-based startups […]

Digital Equity Competitive Grant Program

The Competitive Grant Program will support efforts to achieve digital equity, promote digital inclusion activities, and spur greater adoption and meaningful use of broadband among the Covered Populations. Specifically, the […]

FY2025 AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP Opportunity

AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP programming is designed to meet community needs. Applicants may propose activities intended to address community needs by thoroughly explaining the unmet need and activities to be completed […]

Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing in Practice

The Privacy-preserving Data Sharing in Practice (PDaSP) program seeks to foster innovative, use-inspired and translational research to mature and scale existing models, methodologies, or constructs in order to accelerate the […]


Funder:National Science Foundation

Max Award:Track 1: $1 million; Track 2: $1.5 million; Track 3: $1.5 million.

Min Award:Track 1: $500,000; Track 2: $1 million; Track 3: $500,000.

Match/Cost Share:None required.

Broadband Technical Assistance

Broadband Technical Assistance provides competitive cooperative agreement funding to eligible entities to receive or deliver broadband technical assistance and training that promotes the expansion of broadband. Broadband technical assistance activities […]

Audience:Cities and Towns, Non-Profits, Education, Small Business

Funder:U.S. Department of Agriculture

Max Award:TA Providers: $1,000,000 TA Recipients: $500,000

Min Award:TA Providers: $100,000 TA Recipients: $50,000

Match/Cost Share:None required

Residential Retrofit Program

MassTechs Retrofit Program will make a transformational capital investment in the infrastructure needed to support delivery of high-speed internet in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts Affordable Housing developments. The Program will […]

Cyber Resilient in Massachusetts

The Cyber Resilient Massachusetts Grant Program will provide grants from the MassCyberCenter to municipalities in Massachusetts to fund narrowly focused technology upgrades that will better position municipalities to defend against […]

FY24 Local Law Enforcement Grants for Enforcement of Cybercrimes ProgramFY24

The Cybercrimes Enforcement Program supports training for State, Tribal, or local law enforcement personnel, prosecutors, judges, and judicial personnel relating to cybercrimes against individuals, as well as assistance to State, […]