Cyber Resilient in Massachusetts

The Cyber Resilient Massachusetts Grant Program will provide grants from the MassCyberCenter to municipalities in Massachusetts to fund narrowly focused technology upgrades that will better position municipalities to defend against […]

Pool Safety Grant Program

The Pool Safely Grant Program funding opportunity assists states, local governments, and Native American Tribal Governments in implementing enforcement and education programs to prevent the drowning and drain entrapment of […]

Grants for Arts Projects

Grants for Arts Projects support public engagement with the arts and arts education, integration of the arts with strategies promoting the health and well-being of people and communities, and improvement […]

Audience:Cities and Towns, Non-Profits, Education

Funder:National Endowment for the Arts

Max Award:$100,000 ($150,000 for Local Arts Agencies)

Min Award:$10,000 ($30,000 for Local Arts Agencies)

Match/Cost Share:1:1

Air Sensor Grant

The Air Sensor Grant Program enables grant recipients to monitor fine particulate matter (PM2.5) levels in outdoor air in their local communities, which can be a significant airborne pollutant that […]

Agricultural Composting Improvement Grant

The goal of the Agricultural Composting Improvement Program is to help agricultural composters improve the overall management of their agricultural composting operations, and to facilitate compost use on agricultural units. […]

Digital Projects for the Public

The Digital Projects for the Public program supports projects that interpret and analyze humanities content in primarily digital platforms and formats, such as websites, mobile applications and tours, interactive touch […]

Audience:Cities and Towns, Non-Profits, Education

Funder:National Endowment for the Humanities

Max Award:Discovery: $30,000; Prototyping: $100,000; Production: $400,000

Match/Cost Share:Non required

SNAP Process and Technology Improvement Grant

The Process and Technology Improvement Grant (PTIG) program supports efforts by state agencies and their community-based and faith-based partners to develop and implement projects that use technology to improve the […]

Agricultural Food Safety Improvement Program

The Agricultural Food Safety Improvement Program (AFSIP) is a reimbursement grant program that supports produce and aquaculture operations that are looking to improve their food safety practices that work towards […]